Witness the Majestic Worm Moon: A Supermoon Spectacle

Witness the Majestic Worm Moon: A Supermoon Spectacle

The Ever-Changing Names of the March Full Moon

March 28, 2021, marks a celestial event that captivates sky-watchers across the globe: the Worm Moon. This full Moon gets its intriguing name from a simple yet significant natural phenomenon — the emergence of earthworms as the ground starts to thaw at the end of winter. As temperatures rise, farmers and nature enthusiasts notice earthworm casts, a sure sign that spring is on its way. But, here's the fun part: not everyone calls it the Worm Moon.

Depending on where you are or what tradition you follow, this Moon has plenty of aliases. In northern regions, where the ground remains frozen longer, it's known as the Crow Moon, Crust Moon, or even the Sap Moon. Each name tells a story of a changing season: crow calls signaling the end of harsh winter, a crust forming over the melting snow, and the sap from maple trees beginning to flow.

Supermoons and Celestial Events

Supermoons and Celestial Events

Astronomers and astrology enthusiasts also give this Moon special status as a supermoon. So, what makes this Moon a supermoon? The term 'supermoon' was introduced by astrologer Richard Nolle back in 1979, describing a full Moon that appears larger and brighter than usual because it comes within 90% of its closest approach to Earth. This year, you've got the option to consider not just March, but also the full Moons from April to May as supermoons.

Moreover, the Worm Moon doesn't just illuminate the night sky; it carries different cultural meanings. In some traditions, it's the Paschal Moon, setting the date for Easter, or it's called Pesach in the Jewish calendar, marking Passover. These deep connections between astrology and culture remind us that the Moon is more than just a distant celestial body; it's a vital part of human storytelling.

If you're lucky to catch a clear sky during this time, the Worm Moon will be a must-see. From early Saturday morning until Tuesday, enjoy a cosmic event filled with tradition, science, and a little bit of magic. Watch as the Moon lights up the night, bridging the gap between winter and the warm promise of spring.

Mar, 13 2025